Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo
DateMarch 2021
PlaceAndradina/Mogi-Guaçu – SP-Brazil
Area3.000 m²
ClientTribunal de Contas do Estado de SP
OfficeFutura Arquitetos & Associados
CategoryConstruction Design & BIM Modeling
Two TCE-SP units, one in the city of Andradina and Mogi-Guaçu. The two buildings are exactly the same. The project was designed with the comfort of the building in mind, using solutions such as a ventilated facade and brise. It was done from the Preliminary Study to the Executive Project by Architect Thatiana Furquim, who also coordinated the progress of the complementary disciplines for the project, coordinating and joining efforts with all the engineers involved, including the approval of all licenses in public agencies and concessionaires.